Fare network

17 Goals, football for the Global Goals

The initiative of Dragones de Lavapies is focused on the promotion of global citizenship awareness through a Global Goals football tournament played with football 3 rules.

The aim of the activity is for global citizens to understand the interdependencies of their communities with those in other places and engage in activities whose outcomes have a positive impact beyond their own country (such as justice, peace and sustainability).

The target group are children of different ages and profiles. Dragones de Lavapies considers the diversity of the children in their teams: children with an immigrant background, whose knowledge and cultural values are not recognized at school by the host society. Through the programme the children are empowered as changemakers who tackle global issues and are invited to act as cultural bridges and to care for others.

The objectives achieved through this initiative included:

1)The development of awareness and basic competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) of participants in human rights and Global Goals education, peacebuilding, intercultural learning and dialogue.

2) Motivating and supporting participants and their coaches in their role as multipliers and peer leaders using grassroots sport and Global Goals education with young people, encouraging them to implement follow-up initiatives.

3) Promoting voluntary activities in sport, together with social inclusion, equal opportunities, and awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity through increased participation in, and equal access to sport for all, increasing social inclusion and gender equality.

4) Enabling participants to share successful sport & social practices and coping strategies, engaging in media literacy activities.

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