Save the Dream

  • Partner: Save the Dream
  • Collaborator: FCC
  • Contact: Silvia Haba de Merlo
  • Email:
  • Telephone: +507 60 96 7012

Fútbol Con Corazón

FCC specializes in preventing the perpetuation of violence and the cycle of poverty in the form of early school drop-out, youth and gender violence, recruitment by illegal armed forces/gangs, alcohol/drug abuse, prostitution and early pregnancies. We confront triggering situations such as lack of values, within families and communities, absence parent affection and guidance, and external locus of control.

We create a safe space for children and young adults (5-17 years of age) to spend their time in a useful and educational way. Our methodology provides them with tools to face and overcome surrounding risks, make good life decisions and become the best version of themselves, no matter the environment they were brought up in.

FCC’s methodology uses soccer’s convening power, easy replicability and didactical potential in order to show children and youth core values- respect, solidarity, honesty and tolerance- and life skills, the 14 social, emotional and cognitive skills promoted by the WHO, such as assertive communication, self-esteem, non-violent problem-resolution and teamwork.

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