- Partner: City of Liverpool
- Contact: Dawn Georgeson
- Email: dawn.georgeson@liverpoolfc.com
- Telephone: 07566292969
Open Goals is the LFC Foundation’s FREE public parks programme aiming to get children (Aged 5+) and families more active.
The Open Goals programme has been developed to support family engagement in the local parks and open spaces working with community organisations and key stakeholders. The programme focused around play based delivery, community engagement, a robust schools programme, social action, life skill development and accessing more parks in Merseyside.
The ethos of Open Goals was play based and focused more on the social aspects of sport and family engagement. The value-based curriculum upskilled sports coaches to develop their own coaching style encompassing the Open Goals ethos.
The park venues and green open spaces were specifically selected to engage with some of the most deprived and inactive communities across the Liverpool City Region.
LFC Foundation built strong relationships with Friends of Park groups and were passionate about supporting communities to protect their green spaces. The Foundation worked with the Fields In Trust to champion protecting parks. Their conducted research supports evaluation done by the Fields in Trust. The results of the research showed that people living in deprived areas value their green spaces as places to socialise and exercise, however many local parks have high crime levels. The LFC Foundation sought to break down barriers for local people and work with the police to ensure people feel safe to use their parks. In turn this will improve the mental and physical wellbeing of our communities. Open Goals has started to make a real difference in the parks LFC Foundation are working in. It was known that families previously did not use their local green spaces. Participants have reported that they can see the positive difference the LFC Foundation are trying to make.
The programme’s outcomes were:
- Participants have improved physical and/or mental wellbeing
- Participants felt inspired and engaged
Participants have increased community and social cohesion
Stanley park
Springfield Park
Doric Park