- Partner: University of Balearic Islands
- Collaborator: Rafa Nadal Foundation
- Contact: Eunate Gómez – Project Manager -Rafa Nadal Foundation Centers
- Email: info@fundacionrafanadal.org
- Telephone: 971 78 17 91
The initiative from Rafa Nadal Foundation is a comprehensive project complementary to compulsory school education carried out by the Center. Minors are attended in the afternoon, after their school day. The intervention focuses on the higher Interest of the child and attends to all aspects that surround him: school, family, and environment.
The programme is aimed at children and young people between the ages of 5 and 17, and their families. All of them are in a situation of poverty or at risk of exclusion, and present difficulties for their integration into society. The programme is implemented in two centers: the Rafa Nadal Foundation in Valencia, which began its activity in 2019, and the Rafa Nadal Foundation in Palma, which opened in 2014.
Both centers are in peripheral areas of the city, characterized by their physical isolation and by high rates of vulnerability and social exclusion among their population.
The programme’s main objectives are:
- Promote participation of children through socialization and integration activities.
- Use sports as a tool for the prevention and promotion of emotional health.